Health & Wellbeing

Riverside House is the perfect environment to deliver meaningful activities to an inclusive range of participants. Health and wellbeing is fostered through the delivery of the arts, traditional craft, ecology, heritage, food and nutrition and land based activities including gardening, woodland work and landscaping. All of our activities and work happens at a relaxed and steady pace and the emphasis is the quality of engagement for each participant. Our wonderful team of staff, volunteers and partners never fail to create a welcoming and rewarding experience for everyone.

“We see Riverside House as Dudley Borough’s flagship Health & Wellbeing Centre” Deborah Harkins - Director of Public Health, Dudley MBC

Our core team attend three days a week and engage in a wide range of activities. We are particularly proud of this group, many of whom have autism or other learning difficulties. They have worked unceasingly, alongside local volunteers, when Riverside House was derelict and overgrown, and have been instrumental in shaping the site into what it is today. They have created a legacy for the local community and are justifiably proud of their achievements.

“This is an outstanding provision, it’s unique, you’ll not find it anywhere else.” Karen Munn

Riverside House also deliver social prescribing workshops to individuals with long term physical or mental health difficulties, referred through one of our partners Integrated Plus. The feedback from these workshops has been truly heartwarming and the outcomes are varied and far reaching. We also work with local schools and colleges and are pioneering Forest School opportunities. We welcome any opportunity to work with different individuals and groups of all age and ability, so please don’t hesitate to get in contact if you would like to explore or discuss ideas.

“Everyone has accepted me. It has helped my mental health to be here, communication, understanding not judging.” Attendee from social prescribing workshop

 “Riverside house brings people together, starts new friendships and makes you feel needed and gives you confidence. Staff and volunteers are amazing and they listen without judging.” “Nice people, peaceful. I would like to come back again soon. I can’t feel down and its helped me regulate my life because I can’t miss Tuesday.” Attendees from social prescribing workshops

